Malaysia Pool Care Chlorine Klorin Tablet 1KG TCCA 90% Tablets With Copper (Has 5 Tablets)



Chlorine Klorin Tablet 1KG TCCA 90% Tablets With Copper (Has 5 Tablets)

ATTENTION: Dear buyer, please don't put the chlorine directly into the pool if your pool is plastic type, it will fade your pool. Please put it inside the floating dispenser.

Suitable for swimming pool, spa, fountain, water feature
Available Chlorine: 90% + Copper Sulphate
Advantage compare to normal TCCA T, has Copper Sulphate, algae prevention
Stronger than chlorine 70% Calcium Hypochlorite that only has 65%-70% available chlorine
Slow dissolving chlorine / Stabilised chlorine (Last longer in the swimming pool)

1 KG has 5 tablets
Origin: Japan

Cracks/breaks in tablets unavoidable due to handling/delivery
Cracks/breaks in tablets do not diminish its purpose as an industrial / pool disinfectant